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Provincial Broadband Strategy Released

Government of Alberta establishes goal to reach all Albertans with highspeed internet by end of 2026 – 2027

The Government of Alberta has released a Provincial Broadband Strategy. The strategy acknowledges there is a digital divide and that addressing this divide will benefit Albertans. The strategy makes a total of $390 million in funding available over the next four years, with the goal of providing access to highspeed internet to all Albertans by the end of the 2026 – 2027 fiscal year. The Government of Alberta has previously secured $150 million in matching federal funding, which brings the total available investment to $540 million.

The RMA is pleased to see this commitment to funding highspeed internet in rural Alberta. As more information becomes available, the RMA will seek to provide a rural lens on how to best use the funding and advocate for funding to be deployed to areas of the province with the largest connectivity challenges. The RMA’s internet speed testing project will allow the RMA to support this advocacy with actual data from rural residents. Additionally, the RMA will keep members up to date on the progress of the deployment of this funding.

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy