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Province Releases Farm and Ranch Safety Recommendations Reports

The Government of Alberta has released and is seeking feedback on two sets of recommendations related to the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act. The recommendations are the result of consultations with farmers, ranchers, and other stakeholders to design workplace regulations that reflect the unique nature of the farm and ranch industry. In total, six consultation tables were assembled, and to this point, two have had their recommendations released. The recommendations available to this point are specific to the Labour Relations Code and the Employment Standards Code.

To access the Labour Relations Code recommendations report, click here.

To access the Employment Standards Code recommendations report, click here.

The two reports with recommendations are separated into consensus and non-consensus items though it should be clarified that in the Labour Relations Code recommendations report, ‘non-consensus’ items are listed as ‘strategic options’.

Deadline for feedback on these recommendations is April 3, 2017. Feedback can be sent via email to

The remaining consultation tables have either submitted recommendations to the province for consideration before the public comment period begins, or are still in discussions. The four remaining consultation tables are:

  1. OHS: General Safety Regulations
  2. OHS: Best Practices for Safety within Existing Alberta Farming Operations
  3. OHS: Unique Consideration in Alberta Farming Operations and the Interpretation of OHS Legislation
  4. OHS: Relevant Technical Rules and the Education, Training Resources and Certification Required to Implement Regulations

AAMDC President, Al Kemmere has been a participant of the OHS: General Safety Regulations consultation table.

The AAMDC will look to submit feedback, where necessary, on each of the proposed recommendations. If AAMDC members have feedback they wish to share with the AAMDC in addition to the feedback they provide to the Government of Alberta, please contact Policy Analyst Tasha Blumenthal at

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications