Alberta Environment and Parks has begun the second phase of its engagement session on disturbance standards near water bodies
Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) is considering a proposed disturbance standard under the Public Lands Administration Regulation. This disturbance standard would create a general permission for users to place and use temporary seasonal docks, boat lifts, and associated mooring structures on Crown-owned beds and shores, without requiring individual authorization.
The proposed disturbance standard will improve regulatory oversight, while at the same time streamlining the administrative process for waterfront holders, semi-waterfront holders, and municipal waterfront holders by eliminating the requirement to apply for an authorization.
AEP engaged with stakeholders on the proposed draft disturbance standard in May 2020 and the engagement provided comments on:
- setback requirement,
- terminal platform size,
- boat lift limitations, and,
- the use of accessories on a dock.
AEP has addressed these comments in the revised proposed draft disturbance and is now seeking feedback on the revised draft disturbance standard. The survey will be open until December 14, 2020.
Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of Advocacy and External Relations