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Provide Input into the CRTC’s Broadband Funding Program

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has opened consultations on the design of its upcoming $750 million fund for the enhancement of rural broadband across Canada. The fund is being created as a component of the CRTCs decision to designate broadband as a basic telecommunications service.

The CRTC is seeking input on all aspects of the funding mechanism, including governance, operating, and accountability frameworks, eligibility parameters, and assessment criteria for proposed projects. The detailed consultation outline can be seen by clicking here. The consultation outline includes preliminary views of the CRTC on issues such as eligibility criteria, project prioritization, minimum levels of per-project funding, and other areas. See Appendix 2 of the consultation outline for questions that can be responded to in order to provide input.

As this information was very recently released, the AAMDC has not yet analyzed the outline, but plans to soon. The AAMDC will submit written input to the CRTC on this matter and encourages AAMDC members to do the same. Members are also encouraged to reach out the AAMDC staff members at the bottom of the page with any questions or to discuss potential input topics.

The process for submitting input is as follows:

  • Parties interested in providing input must file an intervention with the CRTC regarding the issues in the consultation outline by June 28, 2017. Interventions can be submitted in one of three ways:
    • Completing the intervention form
      • By mail to:
        CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2
      • By fax to: 819-994-0218
  • After initial interventions are filed, interested parties will have until July 26, 2017 to file replies to interventions. These replies may include questions that the CRTC will consider including in their follow-up to parties who provided the initial interventions.
    • Replies are submitted using the same means as above (intervention form, mail, or fax)
  • Parties may file a final submission (not to exceed 15 pages) by November 29, 2017.
    • Final submissions are submitted using the same means as above (intervention form, mail, or fax)

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications