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Provide Feedback on Proposed New Requirements for Geothermal Resource Development

The Alberta Energy Regulator is seeking feedback on proposed Directive 0XX: Requirements for Geothermal Resource Development.

In 2020, the Government of Alberta introduced Bill 36: Geothermal Resource Development Act. Under this act, which has not yet been proclaimed, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) will have the authority to regulate the safe, efficient, and responsible development of Alberta’s geothermal resources.

The AER is seeking feedback on the proposed Directive 0XX: Requirements for Geothermal Resource Development which will:

  • Set out requirements that industry must follow for geothermal development that is below the base of groundwater protection and covers the entire development life cycle, from initiation through to closure.
  • Introduce processes and requirements that are unique to geothermal energy while incorporating applicable oil and gas regulatory instruments.

To provide feedback on the draft directive, complete the comment form and send it by email to The feedback deadline is September 3, 2021.

Any questions on the draft directive or feedback process can be emailed to

Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy and Advocacy