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Provide Feedback on Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater and Water for Life Grant Programs

Alberta Transportation is seeking feedback on opportunities to create efficiencies in the AMWWP and W4L grant programs. 

The Government of Alberta has reached out to the RMA and Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) to discuss opportunities to create efficiencies in the Alberta Municipal Water / Wastewater Partnership (AMWWP) and the Water for Life (W4L) programs. AMWWP and W4L are administered by Alberta Transportation, and are open to municipalities that have less than 45,000 residents. AMWWP provides cost-share funding to eligible municipalities to build facilities for water supply treatment and disposal. W4L provides cost-share funding to regional commissions of two or more eligible municipalities to build regional water systems.

Alberta Transportation has shared that some projects under these two grants have experienced cost overruns due to the tender cost estimate coming in higher than expected, or issues encountered during construction that have become a concern for municipalities. In order to address the cost overruns concern, Alberta Transportation has presented RMA and AUMA with two proposals:

  • Assisting municipalities through pre-qualification of consulting engineering firms or contractors that have experience with water / wastewater projects,
  • Discussing how to better support and enable innovation and technology for water and wastewater where it makes sense to do so.

RMA would like to engage members and commissions on these two proposals and encourage any additional comments or suggestions to improve efficiencies for AMWWP and W4L.

Information received will be used to develop RMA’s input.

Please provide all feedback to Alex Mochid at by January 17, 2020.

For enquiries, please contact:

Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy