Service Alberta is undertaking a stakeholder consultation to explore the possibility of introducing amendments to the Builders Lien Act to address issues with delayed payment in Alberta’s construction industry. This initiative will continue through Spring 2020 and seeks to obtain information from industry stakeholders through a number of channels. In addition to face-to-face meetings and written submissions, an online survey has been prepared. A link to the survey can be found here. If you wish to participate, the survey will remain open through May 1, 2020.
About the Survey
- The survey is online and can be completed using a web browser of your choice. It can also be completed using a mobile device; however, it has been optimized to be completed at a desktop and this is recommended.
- The prompt payment online survey takes about an hour to complete and covers a wide array of issues with respect to addressing prompt payment in the construction industry.
- You do not need to complete the survey in one session.
- The survey contains specific questions, which in some cases may not be applicable to all survey participants. It is therefore not necessary to provide feedback on all the questions in the survey.
- The survey is not intended to be only available exclusively to particular stakeholder organizations and if representative organizations wish to distribute this to their members, they are free to do so. The purpose of the survey is to obtain feedback from all relevant stakeholders in the construction industry.
- By taking the survey, it is not necessary to provide any identifying information for any participants who wish to maintain their privacy
For enquiries, please contact:
Warren Noga
Policy Advisor
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy