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PrairiesCan Engagement on the Building a Green Prairie Economy Act

Engagement site launches on the framework that will be developed, as directed by the act

PrairiesCan is leading engagement efforts for the Building a Green Prairie Economy Act. This legislation calls for the development of a framework that promotes green economic growth in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, as well as stronger collaboration between federal and Prairie partners in supporting green economic investment.

The act includes specific content, which must be included to promote green economic development in the Prairies, specifically:

  • addressing the limited or non-existent transportation options in small cities and communities, and advancing innovative solutions for public transportation services in those cities and communities;
  • fostering job creation and retraining in regions that rely on traditional energy industries to enable them to build a zero-emissions green economy and mitigate their impact on climate change;
  • prioritizing projects that generate natural infrastructure and a clean environment, such as tree planting initiatives, solar energy projects, and environmental management of the boreal forest, and that make use of new sources of energy, including nuclear energy;
  • integrating clean energy into fields such as agriculture, forestry, transportation, manufacturing, and tourism;
  • establishing programs and projects that stimulate a green economy, in a way that takes into account local circumstances, and the participation of local businesses, governments, and civil society organizations; and
  • preparing infrastructure projects that facilitate adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its adverse effects.

As RMA members manage approximately 85% of Alberta’s land mass and play a major role in economic development across the province, it is crucial that the Government of Canada consider rural municipal perspectives in the development of the framework that is the focus of the act.

Members can engage with this legislation by either participating in a short survey or sending in a written submission to PrairiesCan by June 30, 2023. Additional information on the act can also be found on their engagement site.

Karrina Jung
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy