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Participate in a Rural Community Energy Mapping Project

QUEST is seeking five rural municipalities to participate in a project intended to advance Smart Energy Community Planning in rural Alberta. The project will bring together key stakeholders in rural communities to explore barriers and solutions to the deployment of distributed energy and energy efficiency in rural Alberta. Findings from the five workshops will be presented in a primer on the state of smart energy communities in rural Alberta.

Requirements for Municipal Partners

  • Commit to dedicating time and resources to support the project over the one-and-a-half-year period
  • Express interest in developing a community energy plan
  • Appoint a designated staff to work with QUEST
  • Provide facilities and resources to support a one (1) day workshop with cash and / or in-kind contributions of $500 for facilities (venue + AV resources)
  • Staff time equivalent to approximately two (2) to three (3) days and equivalent to $5,000 of in-kind contributions to assist in identifying local relevant stakeholders, and participate in the workshop and relevant meetings

Benefits for Municipal Partners

  • One-day facilitated and customized community energy mapping workshop bringing together farmers, building owners, renters, businesses, utilities, and municipal staff
  • A tailored report about energy planning in your community
  • Recommendations for continuing advancing an integrated community energy plan
  • Enhanced collaboration among key stakeholders
  • Visibility brought by this innovative project (logo on final reports, mentions in social media posts)
  • Free printed copies of the primer

For more information, please view the backgrounder here.

For any questions, or to express interest in participating in the project, please contact the following prior to August 16, 2019:

Aïda Nciri
Senior Lead, Project & Advisory Services
Tel. 866.494.2770 ext. 713

For enquiries, please contact:

Alex Mochid
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy