The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) is improving how it reports on human footprint information in Alberta.
A comprehensive overview of the status of the human footprint is now available as an interactive online report here. As new data become available, this reporting tool provides another way for stakeholders such as municipalities to interact with ABMI human footprint data, joining the Mapping Portal and Data Portal.
The ABMI defines human footprint as the temporary or permanent visible transformation of native ecosystems to support residential, recreational, or industrial land uses. This includes areas that have permanently lost their natural cover (e.g., cities, roads, agricultural land) and those whose natural cover is periodically reset to earlier stages of succession by industrial activities (e.g., harvested areas and seismic lines).
Information on the status and trend of the human footprint is relevant to many land-management decisions, and the ABMI is committed to supporting land managers with the most accurate and convenient data available. The ABMI hopes the new online reporting format will prove useful, and welcome feedback on this, or any other ABMI data product, at
For enquiries, please contact:
Matt Dow
Policy Analyst
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy