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New Conservation Resource Available for Alberta Municipalities

Alberta’s local governments are increasingly being called on to help conserve the province’s ecologically-sensitive and agriculturally valuable lands, but the toolbox for this can seem limited. A new guidebook, developed by the Miistakis Institute, created as part of the Community Conserve Initiative, will help municipalities looking to set up a local conservation easement program.

The Conservation Easement Guide for Municipalities is a step-by-step manual for local governments, providing background information on policy, planning, and financial considerations, and detailed direction on the preparation and administration of a conservation easement program. Accompanying the Guide are fact sheets, sample policies, Alberta-based examples, and other support resources.

You can access the Guide and its associated resources at the Community Conserve websiteCommunity Conserve is a joint initiative of the Miistakis Institute and the Environmental Law Centre, with the support of the AAMDC and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA).

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications