Based on requests from several municipalities in northern Alberta, the EOEP has revised their schedule for Munis 101 courses offered within the mandatory ninety-day councillor training timeframe established in the amended Municipal Government Act. Revisions are as follows:
CANCELLED: High Prairie – Thursday, January 11 and Friday, January 12
ADDED: Peace River – Saturday, January 6 and Sunday, January 7
This change was made due to low enrollment in High Prairie, combined with a request to hold a weekend course in northern Alberta.
Registration for the Peace River course and all other Munis 101 courses within the mandatory time frame is open at
If you have already signed up for another course but would prefer to attend the course in Peace River, please contact EOEP Registrar Leanne Anderson at
Enquiries may be directed to:
Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst
Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications