The Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) is excited to announce dates for upcoming Munis 101 sessions. Munis 101 is developed and delivered with the support of Municipal Affairs to help municipalities fulfill the Municipal Government Act requirement to provide orientation following the municipal election. While the course is oriented for elected officials, CAOs are welcome to take the course so they are aware what is being covered and can provide supplemental orientation on any municipal specific information. Registration will open in the coming months at a rate of $375 per person for these in-person sessions.
The course covers the essential information councilors need to know to be effective municipal leaders and is a necessary step towards receiving a Municipal Elected Leaders Certificate (MELC).
Two virtual sessions are being offered to summer villages in September, with in person offerings for all municipalities being offered beginning in November:
- November 4 and 5, Whitecourt
- November 6 and 7, Grande Prairie
- November 9 and 10, Bonnyville
- November 15 and 16, Edmonton (in coordination with AUMA convention)
- November 22 and 23, Edmonton (in coordination with RMA convention)
- December 2 and 3, Lethbridge
- December 6 and 7, Strathmore
- December 9 and 10, Three Hills
Registration and details on specific locations and times will be coming soon. These sessions are intended to be run during normal business hours. Please use these dates to begin planning for training for new and returning elected officials alike.
Warren Noga
Policy Advisor
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy