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Minor Works Phase 2 Consultation

Transport Canada is launching the second phase of consultation on the Minor Works Order of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA). The CNWA regulates the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal, or decommissioning of works that are in, on, over, under, through, or across any navigable water in Canada. As part of the act, the Minister of Transport can designate a work that is likely to slightly interfere with navigation as a “minor work”. The Minor Works Order is used to identify such works.

For example, works that only slightly interfere with navigation do not:

  • cause navigators to unreasonably alter their habits related to navigation in the area, such as speed and course
  • reduce the safety of navigation or ability to enjoy the use of the body of water for navigation

An owner of a minor work may construct, place, alter, rebuild, remove, or decommission the minor work in, on, over, under, through, or across any navigable water in accordance with the requirements found in the Minor Works Order. The order protects navigation by requiring minor works to meet certain criteria and requirements.

Owners of works that comply with the requirements of the Minor Works Order do not need to seek an approval from Transport Canada or follow the process for works on waterways not listed on the schedule.

Transport Canada is seeking feedback on a recently released Minor Works Order Discussion Paper. Feedback should be sent to by October 5, 2020.

For enquiries, please contact:

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy