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Major Water-Sharing Agreements Ready for Alberta

Government of Alberta has announced voluntary water sharing agreements negotiated with large water license holders

With the coming summer expected to bring drought to Alberta, water license holders have been collaborating with one another and the Government of Alberta to develop voluntary water-sharing agreements. The intent of water-sharing agreements is to ensure access to water for all users. The current agreement is related to the Bow, Oldman, and Red Deer River basins.

Within these basins, 38 of the largest and oldest water license holders have voluntarily agreed to reduce their water usage if drought conditions persist. This includes industrial users, irrigation districts, and municipalities. Under the agreement, participating municipalities have agreed to reduce their usage by 5 to 10%, recognizing that water for human consumption is the highest usage priority. The intent of these municipal reductions is not to impact indoor water use.

The Government of Alberta will be monitoring conditions throughout the spring and summer and providing bi-weekly water supply forecasts. This information will allow users to adjust the agreements as needed. Additionally, the provincial government will optimize water storage at the Ghost Reservoir and Kananaskis-area reservoirs.

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy