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Legal Opinion on Species at Risk Proposed Policies Now Available

At the Spring 2017 convention, AAMDC members endorsed resolution 9-17S: Legal Opinion for Species at Risk Proposed Policies, which directed the AAMDC to seek a legal opinion on the proposed Species at Risk Act policies to determine what effect that the proposed policies will have on municipal operations and the rights and freedoms of rural landowners.  The resolution further directs the AAMDC to proceed with further action to demonstrate the socio-economic impacts of policy implementation on the rural landscape based on the impacts identified in the legal opinion.

The AAMDC hired MLT Aikins to fulfill the legal opinion request and we are pleased to share that information with our members, available here. The legal response identifies impacts for municipalities and rural landowners in regards to the policies, and AAMDC members should be aware of the implications some policies may have in regards to land-use planning and infrastructure project decisions.

As the obtaining the legal opinion addresses a portion of this resolution, it has been assigned a status of Accepted in Part and the AAMDC will continue to advocate on the importance of a socio-economic approach to policy implementation, as identified in the legal analysis.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications