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Investing in Canada Plan Funding: An FCM Update

Document provides an overview of how the Investing in Canada plan is administered in other provinces and territories

On April 3, 2018, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta completed a bilateral agreement establishing how phase 2 of the federal Investing in Canada plan will be administered in Alberta. Further information on eligibility parameters, application procedures, and other key information is available on the Government of Alberta website.

The Government of Canada has negotiated separately with all provinces and territories to determine how the Investing in Canada plan funding will be administered within that jurisdiction. To this point, bilateral agreements have been completed with five provinces (including Alberta) and three territories. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has prepared a summary and comparison document of the bilateral agreements completed to this point which shows commonalities and differences. The document also provides an overview of the information that provincial/territorial associations and municipalities should ask their provincial/territorial government as the administration of the funding moves forward.

In addition to reviewing the FCM document, the RMA encourages members to apply for Investing in Canada plan funding. The funding is divided into the following components (click on the links for more information, as well as application and reporting instructions for each stream):

All municipal projects supported by the Investing in Canada plan will be cost shared between federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal levels of government. The federal government has committed to contributing up to 40% of costs for municipal projects under all streams, except for the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure stream, where the federal government will contribute up to 50% of costs, and up to 60% of costs for municipalities with a population below 5,000. Provincial contributions on municipal projects will be at least 33.3% of project costs.

For the Green Infrastructure, Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure, and Rural and Northern Communities streams, the application deadline is August 1, 2018.

In addition to municipalities, the Government of Alberta, non-profit organizations, Indigenous Ultimate Recipients, and for-profit organizations (when working collaboratively with a municipality, provincial body, or Indigenous Ultimate Recipient) are eligible to apply for funding under most Investing in Canada plan streams.

For enquiries, please contact:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy