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ICF and IDP Exemptions and Extensions

The Minister of Municipal Affairs signed a Ministerial Order on July 19, 2018

RMA has successfully advocated to the Government of Alberta for exemptions and extensions to be outlined regarding the application of Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) and Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs).  Though rural municipalities recognize the value of these tools, the resource challenges placed upon RMA members via the Municipal Government Act (MGA) were unfair.  The Ministerial Order outlines several areas whereby municipalities can be exempt or receive extensions; These changes recognize the concerns of rural municipalities and will be a benefit to this overall process.


  1. Two or more councils of municipalities that have common boundaries where the entire area along one or both sides of the common boundary is composed entirely of federal or provincial crown land are EXEMPT from the requirements of IDP on the condition that all parties agree to apply the exemption by resolution and file copies of the resolutions with the Minister within 90 days of the date each resolution is passed.
    • This change recognizes the limited value in the creation of an IDP where development is restricted.


  1. EXTENDS the timeline for an ICF to be created or an IDP to be adopted by one year, to April 1, 2021 for those that are between municipal districts, specialized municipalities (excluding the Municipality of Jasper), improvement districts, or special areas. Once again, this is accepted on the condition that all parties agree to apply the extension by resolution and file copies of the resolutions with the Minister within 90 days of the date each resolution is passed.
    • This change will allow rural municipalities to focus their efforts on working with their urban neighbours during the initial two-year period.


  1. EXTENDS the timeline for all ICFs and IDPs between municipalities that are members of the same growth management board (GMB) by one year, to April 1, 2021. The GMB must have been established before April 1, 2018. This extension will be granted on the condition that all parties agree to apply the extension by resolution and file copies of the resolutions with the Minister within 90 days of the date each resolution is passed.
    • This change will allow GMB member municipalities to harmonize their ICFs and IDPs with their growth and service plan, and provide an opportunity to address through an ICF or IDP any matters not addressed in a growth or servicing plan.


  1. EXTENDS the timeline for all ICFs and IDPs between a municipality that is a member of a GMB, and a municipality that is not a member of the GMB but is located within the boundaries of the member municipality by one year, to April 1, 2021. As per above, the GMB must have been established before April 1, 2018. This extension will be granted on the condition that all parties to the framework agree to apply the extension by resolution and file copies of the resolutions with the Minister within 90 days of the date each resolution is passed.
    • This change will allow GMB member municipalities to create their ICFs and IDPs within the context of their growth and servicing plan.


  1. With the new timelines that are available, it is important to note that accordingly the arbitrator timeline has been EXTENDED to April 1, 2022.


The Minister of Municipal Affairs will continue to consider specific requests, however encourages municipalities to make every effort to work together to meet the legislated requirements.

For more information on ICFs or IDPs, click here.

For enquiries, please contact:

Allison Hansen
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy