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Government of Alberta Seeking Input on Proposed Police Costing Model

Feedback accepted until October 15, 2019

The Government of Alberta is currently reviewing Alberta’s police costing model. This review was identified as a commitment in the UCP election platform.

To guide the review, the Government of Alberta has designed a costing model that requires testing with municipalities. The Government of Alberta invited all municipalities to a webinar on Friday, September 6 to introduce the test model and the consultation process. For municipalities who were unable to participate in the webinar, the recording is available here.

The Government of Alberta has distributed a survey to allow municipalities an opportunity to provide feedback on the test model. An overview of the test model, relevant background information, and a unique survey link should have been emailed to all municipalities. The deadline to complete the survey is October 15, 2019.

If you have any questions about the test model, the review process, or if your municipality did not receive a survey link, please contact

RMA is currently in the process of developing feedback on the test model to ensure that any changes to police costing take into consideration the unique cost and service delivery challenges in rural areas. The RMA has developed several position statements specific to policing and rural crime, and members are encouraged to utilize this information in developing their submissions.

For enquiries, please contact:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy