Under the new police costing model, existing enhanced policing positions will continue, but costs will be shifted to the Government of Alberta
In response to questions from several RMA members on how enhanced policing positions (EPPs) and associated costs will be addressed under the new police costing model, Alberta Justice and Solicitor General has provided additional information.
Under the new costing model, all existing Option 1 EPP agreements as of April 1, 2020 will continue, with costs of the agreements being absorbed by the Government of Alberta. Option 1 EPP agreements refer to full-time enhanced policing positions. Option 2 EPP agreements are not impacted by the new police costing model. Municipalities may continue to enter into Option 2 EPP agreements.
The Government of Alberta is absorbing costs for Option 1 EPP agreements under s. 5 of the Police Funding Regulation. According to Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, existing Option 1 EPP positions will remain in place until the expiry of the Police Funding Regulation on March 31, 2025, regardless of when the original municipal EPP agreement was scheduled to expire.
EPP costs will not impact the amount a municipality is required to contribute under the new police costing model. Municipal costs are determined based on the formula established in the Police Funding Regulation. EPP positions are unrelated to the formula.
Municipalities are still responsible for any EPP costs incurred until April 1, 2020. There is no need for municipalities to cancel existing EPP agreements.
The assigned duties of EPP positions will remain consistent with those assigned prior to April 1, 2020.
For more information on enhanced policing positions, contact:
Lisa Gagnier
Manager, Research and Policy
Alberta Justice and Solicitor General
For enquiries, please contact:
Wyatt Skovron
Senior Policy Advisor
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy