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Final RMA Spring 2020 Submitted Resolution Package Now Available

The final package includes all emergent resolutions and will be used for the resolutions session on April 24

Due to the cancellation of the RMA 2020 Spring Convention, RMA will hold its first-ever virtual resolution session on April 24, 2020. The exact time of the session has been shared with RMA mayors / reeves and CAOs via email.

Please review the final submitted resolution package. The package includes a total of 10 resolutions, including three emergent resolutions.

Resolution Amendments
Any members wishing to propose amendments to resolutions included in the resolution package are strongly encouraged to email proposed amendments in advance of the session to RMA Senior Policy Advisor Wyatt Skovron at, noting the resolution number in your email. Amendments can be made during the session but submitting in advance will support an efficient resolution process.

Participation Instructions
Detailed instructions on how to access and participate in the virtual resolutions session will be shared with all RMA mayors / reeves and CAOs no later than Wednesday, April 22, 2020. Mayors / reeves and CAOs are asked to pass the instructions along to councillors and relevant staff in their municipality. Due to connectivity limitations, RMA is requesting that the access information not be shared beyond member municipalities.

For enquiries, please contact:

Wyatt Skovron
Senior Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy