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Fall 2021 Emergent Resolution Deadline November 24

As per RMA’s Resolution Process policy, an emergent resolution is defined as a resolution submitted to RMA after the resolution deadline – October 22, 2021 for the 2021 Fall Convention – that addresses a subject or problem that has arisen subsequent to the resolution deadline. The RMA Resolutions Committee will meet prior to the resolution session to determine whether submitted emergent resolutions meet the criteria as “emergent” and are added to the Order Paper.

To accommodate this process, emergent resolutions must be submitted prior to 10:00 am on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Any resolutions not received by this deadline will not be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee.

Emergent resolutions, along with an accompanying letter explaining why the resolution should meet the emergent resolutions criteria, must be submitted in Microsoft Word format to RMA Manager of Policy & Advocacy Wyatt Skovron at

For more details on emergent resolutions, please review section E of the Resolution Process Policy.

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy