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Energy Efficiency Alberta Program Information

Energy Efficiency Alberta (EEA) is a new provincial agency established as part of the Climate Leadership Plan. Funded by revenues generated from the carbon levy, EEA will provide programs and services to assist Albertans in reducing their carbon footprint.

The EEA will deliver a variety of programs and services focused on energy efficiency and small scale renewables. The full suite of programs and services are still being developed, with offerings starting this spring. Initial programs announced include:

  • Free installation of residential efficiency products such as lighting elements, water fixtures and programmable thermostats in homes and multi-unit residential dwellings across Alberta.
  • Rebates for efficient appliances, lighting and insulation for homes.
  • Incentives for high-efficiency retrofits of lighting, heating, cooling and hot water systems for businesses, non-profits and institutions.

The EEA also announced the Non-Profit Energy Efficiency Transition (NEET) Program, which will provide funding for non-profit and volunteer groups to assess efficiency of lighting, heating, cooling and hot water systems. Under the NEET Program, non-profit and volunteer groups will be able to access EEA’s Business, Non-Profit and Institutional Rebate Program, which offers incentives for the purchase and installation of high-efficiency products.

More information on the NEET Program can be obtained by contacting the Government of Alberta at or 780.422.2254.

Additional EEA program details will be shared as they become available. Energy Efficiency Alberta can be contacted directly at 1.844.357.5604.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst
Kim Heyman
Director of Advocacy & Communications