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EMS Engagement and Survey Live

Alberta Health Services has launched a website to provide information and gather feedback on the current EMS system

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is undertaking the creation of a long-term Provincial Service Plan for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This EMS Service Plan will reflect how EMS integrates into Alberta’s health system. It will provide the vision and direction for EMS in Alberta for the next five years, as well as set out a clear roadmap on how to get there. This plan is to be completed by September 30, 2022.

AHS has created a web resource to provide information to Albertans, as well as a survey to gather feedback on the current system. To participate in this, AHS has laid out the following process:

  • Visit the EMS Service Planning website and sign up to subscribe to project updates so you can take part in current and future EMS engagement opportunities.
  • Watch a 30-minute introductory video on the Together4Health site about the EMS Provincial Service Planning process.
  • Take the “Current State Survey” on the website which should only take about 5 – 10 minutes. Let AHS know what you think is working within EMS, and what isn’t, so they can build on strengths and plan for improvements.
    • The current state survey will close April 8, 2022.

The work AHS is doing to connect with Albertans is in addition to the Alberta EMS Provincial Advisory Committee, which RMA President Paul McLauchlin sits on. This advisory committee is tasked with addressing the growing demand for EMS in Alberta. The advisory committee will provide recommendations to Alberta Health to build an EMS system that is sustainable for the future.

For questions about the advisory committee, please contact President McLauchlin at

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy