The Government of Alberta has announced a new ankle bracelet monitoring program.
On January 15, 2025, the Government of Alberta announced the start of a new provincial ankle bracelet monitoring program in response to issues with the current bail system. The program will allow courts to order individuals deemed ‘high-risk repeat offenders’ to be monitored with limitations placed on where they can and cannot go. Individuals with bail conditions have certain limitation placed on where they can and cannot go. This will increase surveillance to 24/7 electronic monitoring. The anklet brace let monitoring program will exist alongside other programs and services like probation officers, regular reporting, referrals to community programs, and ongoing engagement with policing partners. It is currently unclear what happens if a violation is detected.
In Spring 2023, RMA members passed Resolution 11-23S: Reforming the Bail System to Address Rural Crime. The resolution calls for 24/7 bail services, changes to how bail conditions are determined, and additional/stricter bail conditions to be available for courts to impose on individuals that have not adhered to previous bail conditions.
Although this announcement does not directly address the asks of this resolution, it does speak to Bill C-75, which amended the Criminal Code to make the criminal procedure more modern and efficient. It clarifies that the officer, justice, or judge shall give primary consideration to the release of the accused at the earliest reasonable opportunity, on the least onerous conditions appropriate in the circumstances, and require that conditions imposed must be reasonably practicable for the accused to comply with.
Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy