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District-Endorsed Resolutions Update – District 2 Resolutions

As part of the AAMDC’s resolution process, municipalities are encouraged to submit resolutions to their districts for discussion and endorsement prior to forwarding them to the AAMDC for inclusion on the resolution agenda at each convention. To assist municipalities in avoiding resolutions that duplicate those endorsed in other districts, the AAMDC will provide the name and sponsoring municipality of resolutions endorsed at district meetings on a weekly basis as district meetings occur. Over the past week, District 2 (Central) held a district meeting. The following resolutions were endorsed:

  • Wind Energy Regulations Required at Provincial Level – Sponsored by County of Paintearth
  • Actions on Rural Crime – Sponsored by Lacombe County

Members are also encouraged to search the AAMDC’s Resolutions Database for active resolutions prior to submitting a new resolution.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director, Advocacy & Communications