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District 5 AAMDC MGA Consultation Rescheduled – Register Now!

Due to an unforeseen delay in the release of the Municipal Government Act, the AAMDC has been forced to reschedule the MGA consultation planned for May 31st in Vermilion. Please note the rescheduled event will be held on:

June 7 – Vermilion (Lakeland College, 5707 College Drive) – Register Here

It was the AAMDC’s plan to meet with members prior to the consultations hosted by the Minister of Municipal Affairs but unfortunately, due to the timing of the Minister’s consultations, this will not be possible for municipalities in District 5. The AAMDC will be distributing an electronic resource to members once the legislation is released.

All workshops are free and run from 10:00am – 3:00pm. Lunch will be provided.

The dates of the other AAMDC member workshops remain the same:

June 2 – Byemoor (Byemoor Hall) – Register Here

June 6 – Lethbridge (1715 Mayor Magrath Dr. S, Basement) – Register Here

June 8 – Barrhead (Summerdale Hall, Hwy 18) – Register Here

June 20 – Peace River (St. Isidore Cultural Centre, St. Isidore) – Register Here

Please visit the event page for the appropriate date and register.

As noted above, the Minister of Municipal Affairs also intends to consult with Albertans on the MGA amendments. For a list of the Minister’s events, please click here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst
Kim Heyman
Director of Advocacy and Communications