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Digital Regulatory Assurance System Available for Public Use

The first stage of DRAS will be available for public use on June 21, 2021

Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) continues to modernize its regulatory system to reduce red tape, create efficiencies, and enhance transparency while still maintaining high environmental standards. One initiative to support modernizing Alberta’s regulatory system is the creation of the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS), which will become the only system for submitting and tracking Water Act approvals, applications, amendment applications, and Code of Practice notices. DRAS is designed to provide clear, upfront expectations to applicants and will be used to manage the entire lifecycle of a project, from application to authorization, monitoring and compliance reporting, to remediation and closure.

DRAS will provide applicants:

  • The ability to track the status of their applications in real time
  • The ability to apply for one project with multiple activities via an integrated application
  • A clear decision-making process

The first stage of DRAS will be available for public use on June 21, 2021 and will be rolled out in stages throughout 2021 to 2023. By mid-2023, all applications will be moved online to the DRAS system supporting all authorization types managed by AEP under the Water Act, Public Lands Act, and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

AEP has created an information page on DRAS that includes links to register for upcoming virtual information and training sessions.

Decommissioning of EAS OneStop

On June 14, 2021, Environmental Approvals System (EAS) OneStop access will be terminated for both applicants and regulators. There will be a seven-day pause to transfer submitted and approved applications as well as data from EAS OneStop to DRAS. At that time, any draft applications that have not been submitted for regulatory review will be permanently deleted.

Effective June 21, 2021, DRAS will be the only system applicants will use to submit Water Act approval applications, amendments, and Codes of Practice notices.

AEP has created a factsheet on DRAS.

For questions prior to the launch of DRAS, please contact

Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy