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Changes to the Water Act Applications Process

As of January 18th, 2019, all Water Act applications need to be made under the OneStop system.

In November 2018, Alberta Environment and Parks updated their processes to require that Water Act applications be submitted online via the Environmental Approvals System (EAS) OneStop system.

The EAS OneStop system is a risk-based, data-driven application system for approvals, approval amendments, and Code of Practice notices under the Water Act. The intent of this change is to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and service to Albertans. For more information about the EAS OneStop and how to register an account, click here. The Water Act Approvals Project is the first phase in transforming the province’s regulatory approach towards a one-window, integrated approvals process.

The following applications are part of this change:

  • New approval applications
  • Approval amendment applications
  • Code of Practice notices

The following are not included in this change:

  • Water use licenses
  • Temporary diversion licenses

The Government of Alberta is hosting a number of webinars and training opportunities which can be accessed here. Additionally, a one-hour introductory webinar has been recorded and is available here.

For enquiries, please contact:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy