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Changes to the Alberta Wetland Replacement Fee System

The revised process for paying wetland replacement fees will now have applicants pay the fees directly to the Government of Alberta.

On December 1, 2018, Alberta Environment and Parks announced that it would change the interim wetland replacement process. Under the current process, the applicant pays wetland replacement fees directly to an authorized third-party wetland replacement agent (e.g. Ducks Unlimited Canada).

Under the new process, applicants will pay the wetland replacement fees directly to the Government of Alberta. This change enables more delivery agents to participate in wetland restoration activities across a broader geographic area. This will enhance the province’s ability to meet the Alberta Wetland Policy’s outcomes and will ensure that wetland ecosystem services are restored in municipalities where wetlands have been lost or removed.

Centralizing the wetland replacement fees within the Government of Alberta and providing additional guidance and standards places greater accountability on authenticating professionals to ensure wetland replacement is successful. It also enables the province to monitor wetland progress, track the success of restored and constructed wetlands, and evaluate wetland policy outcomes.

For more information on the Alberta Wetland Replacement Fee process, click here.

For enquiries, please contact:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy