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Canadian Cannabis Regulators Forum – Participate in November!

The Canadian Cannabis Regulators Forum is a pan-Canadian forum of provincial, territorial, and municipal regulators focusing on preparing for the unique issues and challenges with the legalization of recreational cannabis in July 2018.

The main programming will be held in Ottawa, Ontario for a one-day forum on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. Sessions will include topics such as a federal update, law enforcement, distribution, supply and consumption, cannabis in the workplace, and funding, pricing and taxation, among others. The schedule can be found here. There will also be optional pre-forum workshops on November 28, 2017, such as Developing Municipal Cannabis BylawsCannabis in the Workplace, and a licensed producer tour.

November 28 – OPTIONAL
Pre-Forum Workshops:
Developing Municipal Cannabis Bylaws; and Cannabis in the Workplace – morning
Licensed Producer Tour- afternoon

November 29 – FORUM
Canadian Cannabis Regulators Forum

The forum is geared towards municipal and provincial regulators, including enforcement officials who are involved in the cannabis legalization process. There will be coordinated roundtable discussions to share innovative approaches and to generate collaborations across jurisdictions in Canada.

November 28-29, 2017
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
200 Coventry Road
Ottawa, ON

Click here to register.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Chelsea Parent
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications