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Call for Convention Workshop Proposals

RMA seeking content for spring 2020 convention

At RMA’s spring 2020 convention there will be an opportunity for delegates to attend their choice of several workshops. These workshops are designed for a smaller audience and encourage engagement and discussion among the audience and presenters. RMA is seeking proposals from those who want to present relevant information to RMA members. Presenters will have the opportunity to present to approximately 100 municipal councillors and other convention delegates in a 90-minute time slot.

Those interested in presenting are encouraged to email with the topic they would like to present, noting how it is relevant to rural municipalities, and their experience in the field they are applying to present on. Partnerships between multiple groups to present different perspectives on the same topic are encouraged. Different workshop formats will be considered, but proposals featuring multiple speakers are preferred. Applying does not guarantee a spot at the RMA convention; the RMA will consider the proposed topics when developing the convention agenda. Additionally, RMA may work with applicants to adjust their proposal scope to better meet the needs of RMA members. Please submit initial applications by December 9, 2019. The RMA Board of Directors will review all proposed workshop options submitted.

Please note, this is an opportunity to apply to present a topic, with content generated by the presenter, at a workshop. If you have a suggestion for a workshop, you are encouraged to find a presenter who is knowledgeable on the topic and have them apply directly.

For enquiries, please contact:

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy