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Call for Applications: Federal Task Force to Support Just Transition for Coal Power Workers and Communities

The Government of Canada has committed to phasing out coal-fired electricity generation by 2030 to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Related, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change established a Task Force on the Just Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities which will provide advice to the government on how support transition to clean energy in accordance with this commitment.

The Minister would like to include a municipal representative on the Task Force, and FCM agreed to nominate this representative.

The Task Force will be operational from March 2018 through to December 2018. FCM anticipates that this would require a commitment of 15-25 working days, including travel for site visits and face-to-face meetings in the National Capital Region.

Travel costs will be covered by the federal government and if the municipal representative is not receiving a salary due to participation on the Task Force, an honourarium of $300/day for each Task Force working day is available.

The municipal representative will be representing his/her own community, rather than the FCM Board of Directors.

The Task Force’s terms of reference outlines other important information.

The following criteria will inform FCM’s selection of the Task Force’s municipal representative:

  • The representative must be either a municipal employee or municipal elected official.
  • They must have experience in a community that currently relies, or previously relied on, coal-fired electricity as a key economic driver and/or power source; and/or have experience in a community which has lost a key resource-based industry.
  • Gender balance will be a factor in selection.

Applications can be submitted to by March 12, 2018, outlining why you would make a good candidate. FCM’s President will notify the successful applicant shortly thereafter.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director, External Relations & Advocacy