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Apply to Host a Pilot Project on Alternate Transportation for Seniors in a Rural Municipality

The University of Alberta’s Medically At-Risk Driver Centre (MARD) is seeking proposals from rural municipalities or rural-based community organizations to work with MARD to implement a sustainable model of alternate transportation for seniors and persons with disabilities. The pilot project will be based on the Transportation Toolkit for the Implementation of Alternate Transportation for Seniors in Alberta, which was recently completed by MARD and based in part on input provided by the AAMDC and other stakeholders.

The goal of the pilot is to validate the effectiveness of the toolkit as a resource for rural communities. MARD will work with the successful applicant in developing and implementing an alternate transportation service.

For details including eligibility criteria, project objectives, timelines and funding, view the request for proposal overview. To apply, complete the proposal template. Completed templates can be emailed to Hard copies can be mailed to:

Tara Pidborochynski
Research Coordinator
6-40 University Terrace
8303-112 St, Edmonton AB, T6G 2T4

The deadline for applications is December 7, 2016.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst
Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy and Communications