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Apply Now for the Rural Transit Solutions Fund

Government of Canada fund available to plan and develop transit solutions in rural communities

The Government of Canada has announced the Rural Transit Solutions Fund which will provide funding to rural and remote communities to develop transit solutions. The fund makes $250 million available over five years, with up to $50,000 available to support project planning, up to $3 million to help cover capital costs such as purchasing a vehicle, or up to $5 million to support zero-emission transit solutions.

RMA members are eligible to apply and are encouraged to review the program details. These include how submitted projects will be evaluated, including how well the applicants explain the need, scope, and viability of their projects.

Applications for $50,000 to support project planning are available until October 8, 2021. Beginning August 27 and until October 28, 2021, applicants can submit applications to cover the capital cost of their projects. Information on how to apply is available.

For questions about the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, please contact

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy and Advocacy