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ALSA’s Conservation Tools for Municipalities: A Webinar Series

Informational webinars on conservation easements, transferable development credits, conservation offsets, and conservation directives.

The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) includes within it conservation and stewardship tools that could be of use to municipalities, but a lack of clarity exists for how these tools would work.

To respond to this issue, the Miistakis Institute organized a series of webinars on the four conservation and stewardship tools that are included in the Alberta Land Stewardship Act. Experts in each of the topics were asked to present a one-hour webinar, each followed by a moderated Q&A session.

The webinars took place in January and February 2017 and were well-received, with approximately 50 people attending each one. The four webinars were recorded and can be viewed on the Community Conserve website here.

  • “Conservation Easements”: January 24, 2017
    Kim Good, Legacy Land Trust Society
  • “Transfer of Development Credits”: January 31, 2017
    Guy Greenaway, Miistakis Institute
  • “Conservation Directives”: February 7, 2017
    Jason Unger, Environmental Law Centre
  • “Conservation Offsets”: February 14, 2017
    Dave Poulton, Poulton Environmental Strategies Inc. & the Alberta Association for Conservation Offsets

For enquiries, please contact:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy