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Alberta’s Recycling Regulatory Framework Needs Updating, Impacting Municipalities

Municipalities across Alberta have implemented successful local recycling programs. The viability of programs that manage used oil, tires and paint are in jeopardy unless changes are made to outdated recycling regulations to enable these programs to recover their costs. If regulatory changes are not made soon, responsibility for managing potentially hazardous substances will be downloaded to municipalities.

Provincial regulations previously adopted established provincially-regulated stewardship programs for beverage containers, used oil materials, tires, paint, and electronics. The programs are managed by organizations, including the Beverage Container Management Board, the Alberta Recycling Management Authority, and the Alberta Used Oil Management Association, who operate at arm’s length from government and report to the Minister of Environment and Parks. They are governed by boards that include representatives of the AUMA and AAMDC, which helps ensure they have an effective working relationship with municipalities throughout Alberta.

In 2013, public consultations held by the Government of Alberta showed strong municipal support for the expansion of Alberta’s electronics, tires, paint, and used oil recycling programs, and for regulatory changes that offer these programs the flexibility to keep pace with the cost of maintaining them. In addition, the AAMDC has been advocating steadfastly for several years on the need for provincial support to enable the recycling of agricultural plastics.

The AUMA has initiated a letter writing campaign and background document, encouraging municipalities to express concern about the potential downloading impacts this will have on municipalities, and broad waste management issues in Alberta. The AAMDC encourages members to consider adapting this letter and distribute it to local MLAs to demonstrate the importance of this issue and to work to improve waste management in Alberta.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications