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Alberta Wetland Policy: Updated Directives Now Available

The Alberta Wetland Policy  provides regulatory direction to conserve, restore, protect and manage wetlands in Alberta. Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) recently posted a noticeindicating that most activities that have an impact on any class of wetland in Alberta have regulatory requirements, such as a Water Act approval, Licence or a Notification under a Water Act Code of Practice.

To support the planning and legislative alignment stage and wetland assessment stage of the wetland application process, the Government of Alberta has updated the following Directives:

Alberta Environment and Parks has also created an Alberta Wetland Assessment and Impact Form to support low risk, temporary impacts and minimal permanent impacts agreed upon by AEP and the Alberta Energy Regulator. The reporting requirements support a streamlined assessment and internal review process and a list of activities that require the form are identified.

The revised directives and updates identified will apply to all new applications subject to the Alberta Wetland Policy submitted after June 30, 2017.

Alberta Environment and Parks is also working on information to support construction activities and wetlands. It is anticipated that AEP will release an Alberta Wetland Construction Directive and supporting Guide in Fall 2017.

More information on tools and resources to support implementation of the Alberta Wetland Policy are available here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications