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Alberta Water Council Releases Report Highlighting Review of Water for Life Implementation Progress: 2012-2015

The Alberta Water Council (AWC) recently released a report highlighting recent successes in provincial water management in alignment with Alberta’s Water for Life goals.

The report, Review of Water for Life Implementation Progress: 2012–2015, outlines 12 improvements made for ameliorating water management under the three goals and three key directions of Water for Life. Specific timelines are associated with actions in each area, with some recommendations calling for progress within five years, and others extending to 10 years or being implemented annually on a continuous basis. Additional information that supports recommendations outlined in the report are available in Appendix C and D.

The AWC is a multi-stakeholder partnership that stewards the implementation of Alberta’s Water for Life strategy and provides advice on water management issues to its members. The AAMDC plays an active role on the AWC Board of Directors and in participating in various committees through member, board or staff representation.

For more information on the AWC and the recently released report, please contact Andre Asselin, Acting AWC Executive Director, at 780.644.7381.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications