On February 14, 2022, the RMA hosted a presentation and Q&A session with senior representatives from Alberta and Environment and Parks (AEP). This session covered the ministry’s progress on working to fulfill the vision of a balanced and results-based approach to environmental stewardship for air, land, water, and biodiversity while enabling sustainable development of natural resources. Topics covered included:
- Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS): the technological backbone of the transformed regulatory system. DRAS will enable clear, expedient decision making and straightforward environmental monitoring.
- Sub-Regional and Local Planning: site-based planning to balance the diverse goals of Alberta’s land, air, water, and biodiversity.
- Integrated Crown Land Management: modernized legislation to balance the shared use of Crown land and parts for economic, social, and environmental purposes.
- Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change: development of climate change policy initiatives that will help Alberta achieve:
- Increased resilience
- Reduction in emissions
- Improved environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance
- Sustainable economic development
- Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): development of a province-wide recycling program that will help establish economies of scale and drive a plastic economy.
AEP has shared its presentation for further review. Questions or comments on the material or the regulatory system process can be emailed to AEP.OST@gov.ab.ca.
Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy