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Alberta Environment and Parks Information Session on Aggregate Pits Presentation Materials Now Available

AEP is sharing presentation materials and follow up to questions asked in the information session

Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), RMA, and the Alberta Sand and Gravel Association have jointly developed a resource regarding aggregate pit approvals. This document is intended to provide clarity between municipal and provincial approval processes for aggregate pits on public or private land. On September 9, 2021, AEP hosted an information session on the Aggregate Pits: Municipal and Provincial Processes for RMA members and industry stakeholders. Please note that this new process will come into effect on September 13, 2021.

AEP distributed the following items during the information session:

The session featured many great questions from participants, some of which required AEP to follow up with other departments. AEP has provided the following comments on the questions as a follow up:

  • Who do we reach out to, to have AEP attend our public engagement session?
    • There will be a lead assigned to deal with your application, in either AEP’s Lands Division regional office (for a public lands application) or Regulatory Assurance Division regional office (for a private land pit registration application under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act). To request AEP support for public engagement, please contact the applicable regional Lands or Regulatory Assurance manager, depending on where the proposed pit is located.
  • Are public aggregate maps in Alberta up to date?
    • The Alberta Geological Survey maintains geographic information on sand and gravel deposits with aggregate potential in Alberta. This information is current as of July 13, 2020.
  • How does this new process take into consideration the Historical Resources Act?
    • Historical resources requirements exist on both public and private land in Alberta and activities that could impact an identified or unknown historical resource are subject to provisions of the Historical Resources Act. AEP works with Alberta Culture and the Historical Resources Management Branch to align these requirements as part of its regulatory processes to ensure those requirements have been considered. Alberta Culture is responsible for the legislation and AEP staff will apprise their colleagues in Alberta Culture about the concerns raised related to costs of assessments. Here is further information on the process for conducting an assessment.

Further questions may be emailed to Corinne Kristensen at or Glen Gache at

Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy