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AAMDC Climate Change Advisory Committee – Final Report Now Available

Earlier this year, the AAMDC established an ad hoc committee to analyze the impacts, challenges, and opportunities of various climate change policies on Alberta’s rural municipalities. The Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) was comprised of a representative from each of AAMDC’s five districts, and chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

The CCAC was tasked with providing a rural municipal perspective on the positive and negative impacts of provincial and federal climate change legislation and policies, including the Alberta Climate  Leadership Planand the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The Committee had a focused mandate to explore the policy response to climate change by both the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada and associated impacts on rural municipalities and rural Alberta.

Through this process, the Committee recognized the important perspective and voice that rural municipalities have within the climate change discussion. The topics covered by the committee were varied, and the final committee report identifies position statements and recommendations that the AAMDC will use to further advocate on this issue.

Though much progress was made in identifying key positions and developing recommendations to guide the AAMDC, the Committee emphasized that climate change is an ongoing priority and this committee is the start of a longer process for the AAMDC. There is work to be done, and rural municipalities are in a prime position to be part of the solution, working collaboratively to implement action that support climate change initiatives.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications