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AAMDC Board Governance Review Committee Set to Begin

In order to operate effectively and remain accountable to members, the AAMDC has committed to undertaking a review of the association’s governance structure every four years. The AAMDC is currently undertaking this review and has finalized the selection of the Board Governance Review Committee. The Review Committee consists of one member-representative from each of the AAMDC’s five districts as selected by district members, as well as a non-voting Chairperson intended to guide discussions. The composition of the Review Committee is as follows:

Non-voting Chairperson: Bob Barss – Reeve, MD of Wainwright and AAMDC Past President

District 1 Representative: Neil Wilson – Reeve, MD of Willow Creek

District 2 Representative: George Glazier – Reeve, County of Paintearth

District 3 Representative: Kara Westerlund – Councillor, Brazeau County

District 4 Representative: Cheryl Anderson – Reeve, County of Northern Lights

District 5 Representative: Eric Anderson – Councillor, County of Minburn

The Review Committee will meet for the first time in late December, and will have a completed report with recommendations on how to improve or strengthen the AAMDC’s governance structures for member review and deliberations at the Spring 2017 AAMDC Convention.

The Review Committee will be seeking input from AAMDC members. Specific questions and input format will be determined at the Review Committee’s first meeting, but broad topics will likely include but may not be limited to the following:

  • Board member roles and responsibilities
  • The board election process
  • The role of ad hoc or issue-specific member committees
  • Member-association engagement
  • District composition and boundaries

Input will likely be sought through a questionnaire, survey, or similar tool distributed to AAMDC members in January 2017. The intent of this bulletin is to provide notice that the review process is commencing, and that member input will be requested early in 2017.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Gerald Rhodes
Executive Director
Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst