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AAMDC Assigns Statuses to Two Fall 2017 Resolutions

As part of its advocacy efforts, the AAMDC assigns statuses to all endorsed resolutions based on initial government responses, and updates statuses throughout the three years that a resolution is active based on changes to government policy, funding, etc. that impact that resolution.

Possible resolution statuses are as follows:

Accepted  Meets the AAMDC criteria as outlined in a) the resolution and b) as per the expectations of the Board of Directors.
Accepted in Principle The development addresses that action is being taken to meet the intent of the resolution, but further action is required.
Accepted in Part Some resolutions include multiple ‘asks’ in the operative clause. This status indicates that one of the ‘asks’ has been met while others require further action.
Intent Not Met The intent of the resolution has not been met as outlined in the resolution or the current developments do not meet the approval of the Board of Directors.
Incomplete Information The AAMDC has not received enough information to assign a status. Further follow-up is required for the AAMDC to make an informed decision on how to proceed.


As most AAMDC resolutions target the Government of Alberta, initial resolution responses are typically provided to the AAMDC in a single package from provincial staff. The AAMDC uses these responses to update and release a new version of Report Card twice each year. However, for resolutions with advocacy targets other than the Government of Alberta (such as the Government of Canada or other stakeholder organizations), the AAMDC sends individual requests for responses, and receives such responses at various times throughout the year.

Recently, the AAMDC has received non-Government of Alberta responses to two Fall 2017 resolutions, and assigned each resolution a status, as follows:

Resolution number 15-17F
Resolution name Stopping the Implementation of Proposed Federal Tax Reforms
Operative clause THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties urge the Government of Canada not to proceed with the proposed federal tax reforms that will negatively impact small to medium enterprises and the agricultural sector.
Recommended status Accepted in Part
Government Response and AAMDC Reaction Click Here


Resolution number ER1-17F
Resolution name Support for Trans Mountain Expansion Project
Operative clause THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) urge the Government of Alberta to continue to support the Trans Mountain Expansion Project so it can meet its commitments to delivering jobs and economic benefits and meeting its regulatory requirements during the construction and operation of the pipeline;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AAMDC urge the Government of Canada to ensure that all regulatory processes that have been recommended for approval by the NEB and subsequently authorized by the Federal Governor in Council  are permitted to proceed;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AAMDC urge the Government of Canada to exercise ancillary powers in order to enact the comprehensive regulatory scheme for the Canadian public interest, including the right to timely permitting, thereby enabling the commencement of construction.


Recommended status Incomplete Information
Government Response and AAMDC Reaction Click Here


Information on new and active resolutions will be available in the next edition of Report Card, likely to be available in Spring 2018. To view the Fall 2017 Report Cardclick here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director, Advocacy & Communications