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2017 R.W. Hay Award: Call for Nominations

The AAMDC extends an invitation to member municipalities to nominate outstanding rural administrators for the R.W. Hay Award for Rural Administrative Excellence.

Any chief administrative officer that has served or is serving in the current calendar year in an AAMDC member municipality is eligible to be nominated. No individual may receive the award more than once.

Your assistance in circulating this information to council and other appropriate audiences within your jurisdiction is greatly appreciated.

The deadline for nominations is September 22, 2017.  All nominations received by the deadline will be reviewed by an evaluation committee comprising three past winners, three representatives from the Society of Local Government Managers Board of Directors (SLGM), and one member of the AAMDC Board of Directors.

Nominators are asked to pay particular attention to the categories on which the nominees are being evaluated. Effective nomination packages include the following:

  • categorizing the information under the four judging criteria;
  • offering information on the candidate’s attributes under each of the categories being evaluated; and,
  • providing information in point form.

Nomination packages are available at or by clicking here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Cindy Carstairs
Administrative and Convention Coordinator

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications