All RMA member organizations are permitted one account to post to our job board. This is a free service provided to members – there is no cost to post to our board and no limits on how many positions can be up at any time.
The RMA does not post jobs on behalf of members, rather members are provided with login information to manage the postings themselves.
If you are unsure if your organization has an account, or if you require a new account, need to reset your password, or change the login email used, please contact Hilary Darrah, Senior Communications Strategist. Please note, email is the best way to contact as setting up an account requires a complicated temporary password to be created.
Once you have filled out the job posting form, you will submit it through the website to the RMA for review. Most jobs are reviewed and published within 48 hours but if there is ever a situation when you require a job to be posted immediately, please contact Hilary and she will do her best to publish the job as soon as possible.