Join us for our annual insurance and risk management education symposium April 22 – 24, 2025. RiskPro Communities is designed to help municipal and community organizations learn how to better protect their facilities, residents, and staff from potential risks and losses. Keep an eye on this page for more details to come!
Registration is now open. Register here to reserve your spot.
River Cree Resort & Casino
300 East Lapotac Blvd
Enoch, AB T7X 3Y3
Room Types Available: Traditional Room, One King or Traditional Room, Two Queens
Price: $200.00/night + Taxes and Fees
Reservations can be made by individual attendees with hotel reservations at 1-844-425-2733. All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Our block will be open for registrations until Sunday March 23, 2025 subject to availability.
For reservations, please call 1-844-425-2733 (24/7) or use the booking link.
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Genesis Reciprocal AGM
Enoch Grand Ballroom
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
RiskPro Communities
Enoch Grand Ballroom
Thursday, April 24, 2024
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
RiskPro Communities
Enoch Grand Ballroom
8:00 – 9:00 am
Enoch Grand Ballroom
9:00 – 10:00 am
Keynote Speaker – Frank Fazio CySAT Security Cyber Security
Enoch Grand Ballroom
10:00 – 10:15 am
10:15 – 11:15 am
Insurance Bureau of Canada Severe Weather Resiliency for Rural Municipalities
Enoch Grand Ballroom
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Breakout Session 1 – Field Law Employment Law Issues of Importance to Municipalities
River Cree 1
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Breakout Session 2 – Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) Disasters in Alberta: AEMA’s Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Tool for Communities
River Cree 2
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Enoch Grand Ballroom
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Justin Brown (County of Grande Prairie) & Tanya Stegmeier (Strathcona County) Behind the Veil: Demystifying Municipal Risk Management
Enoch Grand Ballroom
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Service Master Restore Edmonton Water Damage Mitigation
Enoch Grand Ballroom
3:00 – 3:15 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm
Thomas Cook, Wildfire Defense Systems Wildfire Loss Prevention Services
Enoch Grand Ballroom
4:00 – 4:30 pm
Crisis Risk Crisis Advisory Services and Its Impact on Public Entities
Enoch Grand Ballroom
4:30 – 5:00 pm
RMA Insurance Risky Quizness
Enoch Grand Ballroom
6:00 pm
Hospitality / Networking Event Sponsored by Service Master
River Cree Ballroom
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
8:00 – 9:00 am
Enoch Grand Ballroom
9:00 – 10:00 am
DDC Lawyers LLP Understanding the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act: A Practical Assessment of the EPEA, the Municipal Government Act, and the Impact on Municipalities
Enoch Grand Ballroom
10:00 – 10:15 am
10:15 – 11:00 am
Breakout Session 1 – Alberta Association of Recreation Facility Personnel Life Cycle Planning for Recreation Facilities
River Cree 1
10:15 – 11:00 am
Breakout Session 2 – WB Risk & Insurance Consulting Fleet Safety/ What Causes Accidents?
River Cree 2
10:15 – 11:00 am
Breakout Session 3 – Engel Law Best Practices to Manage Risk of Criminal and Civil Liability and Disciplinary Action
River Cree 3
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
John Hackwell and the RMA Risk Advisor Team (Mark Sosnowski, Vay Diep, Temi Alao, and Chris Dyer) Creating an Enterprise Risk Management Plan / Enterprise Risk Management
Enoch Grand Ballroom
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Enoch Grand Ballroom
1:00 – 1:45 pm
Breakout Session 1 – CDW Canada Cyberthreats are Getting More Complex. Is Your Organization Prepared to Face Them?
River Cree 1
1:00 – 1:45 pm
Breakout Session 2 – Canoe Procurement Group of Canada Making Group Procurement Work for You
River Cree 2
1:45 – 2:00 pm
Closing Remarks / Risk Pro Credit Requirements
Enoch Grand Ballroom
I Don’t Answer The Phone, I Don’t Read My Emails: Cyber Risk Management in 2024
Frank Fazio – CySat Security
In this presentation, Frank will focus on the essential elements of cyber risk management for municipalities in 2024, particularly emphasizing the significance of cautious digital interactions. He’ll highlight the importance of being discerning about what we click, scan, and post online to effectively mitigate cyber threats. From identifying potential risks in email links to exercising caution when scanning QR codes and being mindful of personal information shared on over the phone, he’ll provide practical guidance for enhancing cybersecurity practices. By implementing these strategies, municipalities can strengthen their defenses against evolving cyber threats in the digital landscape.
Severe Weather Resiliency for Rural Municipalities
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Severe weather is increasing in frequency and severity across Canada. For the second year in a row, Canada experienced over $3 billion in insured damage caused by severe weather and Alberta is home to some of the costliest events from wildfire, flood and hailstorms. How does this impact the insurance industry, which is focused on risk? What can municipalities do to reduce their risk and how does this align with climate adaptation? Hear from Insurance Bureau of Canada on severe weather risks and what insurers are doing to help build a culture of preparedness and long term resiliency.
Disasters in Alberta: AEMA’s Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Tool for Communities
Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA)
This session will provide an overview of the HIRA process, which once implemented, will be available, for Local Authorities (Municipalities, First Nations and Metis Settlements) to evaluate their disaster risk landscape and fulfill the obligation to complete a hazard assessment, as set out in the Local Authorities Emergency Management Regulation (LAEMR).
Water Damage Mitigation
Service Master Restore Edmonton
This session demonstrates how water can damage carpet, wood floors and other building materials, how long until damage occurs and what steps can be taken to reduce or minimize the damage
Wildfire Loss Prevention Services
Thomas E. Cook, PMP, CHMM, Vice President of Professional Services, Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc.
This presentation will provide details on Wildfire Defense Systems’ (WDS’s) Wildfire Loss Prevention Service that will be available to RMA Insurance properties in 2024. Established in 2008 and based in Bozeman, Montana, with regional coordination centers near the United States and Canadian border, WDS is the largest private sector wildfire ground service provider in North America, operating at a scale larger than many public wildfire agencies across 22 states and 2 provinces. WDS’s Wildfire Loss Prevention Service offers a unique and comprehensive approach to reducing risk and structure loss by preparing properties with mitigation actions in advance of wildfires. WDS has dispatched to nearly 1,300 wildfire incidents in the United States since 2008 and has achieved a structure survivability rate of 99 percent at properties served during wildfire incidents. Services include 365-day wildfire monitoring, property threat and risk analysis, deploying federally qualified response resources, and implementing science-based pre-fire front structure preparation and post-fire front suppression of ignition sources. WDS is excited to launch this industry-leading program into Canada for the 2024 wildfire season.
Life Cycle Planning for Recreation Facilities
Chris McKenna – Alberta Association of Recreation Facility Personnel (AARFP)
This session will deal with the importance of creating a Life Cycle Plan, how it relates to Risk Management, and how to implement it. Students will learn how to prioritize “equipment” maintenance needs and the importance of scheduling preventative maintenance and repairs. Typical problems will be discussed and how to address them.
Fleet Safety/What Causes Accidents
Will Burtenshaw – WB Risk & Insurance Consulting
Fleet Safety- just who is responsible for making sure that no accidents happen? Accidents are expensive! Many people in every organization share responsibility for accident prevention! At this session, we’ll discuss the various responsibilities various staff have to keep your roads safe for staff and the public!
Best Practices to Manage Risk of Criminal and Civil Liability and Disciplinary Action
Tom Engel – Engel Law
In this breakout we will address potential risks associated with Community Peace Officer (CPO) Programs and ways to mitigate those risks.
Cyberthreats are Getting More Complex. Is Your Organization Prepared to Face Them?
CDW Canada
It is evident that technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. While this progress opens the door to innovative methods for enhancing organizational productivity, it simultaneously intensifies the intricacies of the cybersecurity landscape. A comprehensive understanding of the current state of cybersecurity is imperative to formulate a strategy that empowers your organization to anticipate, safeguard against, and address cyber threats effectively.
Join CDW Canada Principal Security Architects Reid Nilson and Kevin Ellsworth for an insightful discussion on intricate security incidents and the strategic application of security controls to prevent, detect, and respond to these incidents. Drawing upon real-world observations of adversary tactics and techniques, the presentation will illustrate how security controls can be leveraged to establish a more robust cybersecurity framework, ultimately minimizing organizational risk.
Those members who attended will qualify for credits which can be used towards enhancing risk management and safety within their municipal operations upon successful completion of the assignment.
For more information, email
As part of our RiskPro Communities event, we have a networking event taking place.
Join us Tuesday April 9 at 6:00 pm following our regular sessions. There will be food, fun & games, and prizes!
When you register, please indicate if you plan to take part as a Registrant, Registrant + Guest, or if you are not able to attend.
Thank you to ServiceMaster Restore for sponsoring this event!