+ RMA Rural Municipalities
of Alberta

Resolution EM11-08S

Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA)

January 1, 2008
Expiry Date:
April 2, 2015
Active Status:
Vote Results:

The Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) between British Columbia and Alberta came fully into force on April 1, 2009, and is Canada’s most comprehensive trade agreement. This full implementation of TILMA comes at an important time as both provinces are working to combat the effects of the global recession and budgetary constraints. Prior to April 1, 2009 the TILMA was amended in three significant ways as a direct result of both the province’s consultations with the MASH sector and the AAMDC. Most notable among these amednments was the introduction of special procurement thresholds for the MASH sector, which was adapted from a proposal put forward by the three municipal associations from Alberta and British Columbia. The TILMA was further amended to introduce an exemption for land use and to address concerns around municipal business licensing; both of these issues were items of concern for the AAMDC. There is up-to-date information on TILMA available at www.tilma.ca including a special area on the website devoted to municipal interests. A significant ammendment regarding the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) has been adopted since the summer of 2008, and it provides that any worker certified for an occupation by a regulatory authority of one province or territory shall be recognized as qualified to practice that occupation by all other provinces and territories. Any exceptions to full labour market mobility will have to be clearly identified and justified as necessary to meet a legitimate objective such as the protection of public health or safety. For example, currently the professions of emergency medical responders and paramedics are being reviewed between Saskatchewan and Alberta under just such interests of public health and safety, due to differing standards. This particular instance notwithstanding, by the 2009 summer meeting of the Council of the Federation, AIT amendments will result in mutual recognition of occupational credentials between all provinces and territories. Canadian Premiers have also announced an enhanced and effective dispute resolution mechanism to enforce AIT dispute panel recommendations for government-to-government disputes. Effective January 1, 2009, the strengthened mechanism includes the use of monetary penalties to a maximum of $5 million. The new mechanism will apply to all disputes under the AIT – including labour mobility.

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