+ RMA Rural Municipalities
of Alberta

Resolution 6-04F

AAMDC-AUMA Rural-Urban Cost-Sharing Report

January 1, 2004
Expiry Date:
December 1, 2007
Active Status:
Municipal Governance and Finances
Vote Results:

WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements respect the individual priorities of each municipality entering into the agreement; AND WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements align with the responsibilities and mandate of each community and maximize the opportunities to provide quality services relevant to the ratepayer; AND WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements are of mutual benefit, both economically and socially, directly and indirectly, to all parties; AND WHEREAS service/cost-sharing agreements developed in consideration of the broader region, and its vision provides overall benefits to all involved communities; AND WHEREAS municipal government is the closest level of government to the people and service/cost-sharing agreements provide a framework to help local government fulfill its social, economic and moral obligations to constituents; AND WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements honour and respect the autonomy of local governments to determine levels of service and effective ways to deliver those services; AND WHEREAS local governments focus is the ratepayer and service/cost-sharing agreements enhance the community and enrich the lives of its residents; AND WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements are flexible and provide opportunities to increase (service) efficiencies; AND WHEREAS effective service/cost-sharing agreements build community capacity at the local government level;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties formally adopt the report and recommendations of the AAMDC-AUMA Rural-Urban Cost-sharing Task Force.

Member Background:

The AAMDC-AUMA Rural-Urban Cost-sharing Task Force released its report at the AAMDC spring 2004 convention for member review and comment. It has also been included in the delegate information packages as background information to this resolution. The Cost-sharing Committee further developed a tool kit website and binder to accompany the task force report, and it was also released to members for review and comment in early October 2004.


The rural-urban cost-sharing toolkit is available to all members on the AAMDC website at www.aamdc.com.

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