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Applications Open for the Small Community Opportunity Program

Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation opened applications for the Small Community Opportunity Program

The Government of Alberta has opened applications for the second intake of the Small Community Opportunity Program (SCOP), which will provide grants for non-profits, Indigenous and small communities to help build capacity in agriculture, small business, and local development.

The SCOP provides grants to tackle challenges and tap into opportunities in rural areas. Applicants may apply for grants between $20,000 and $100,000 for each project. The grant may fund up to 90% of eligible project costs and the applicant must fund at least 10%.

To be eligible for funding, projects must align with the Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan and build entrepreneurship, mentorship and skills development, small business supports and/or partnerships, as well as interconnectivity and collaboration within the local community.

The RMA recently hosted a webinar with representatives from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation that provided an overview of the program, including eligibility criteria and an in-depth guide to the application process.

Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy